Perfecting the Video Date: Cyber-Dating

Technology has made it so much easier to meet new potential partners and even go out on dates right from the comfort of your own home. With current situations keeping most of the world confined to their homes, video dating has become a standard practice for most adults. With the rise in video dating, worldwide, now is the perfect opportunity to expand your horizons and virtually date anyone on the planet!
But there’s more to video dates than merely making sure all those sex toys on your bookshelf are out of view. Just like any date, you’ll want to spruce yourself up and take the proper preparations before venturing onto the world wide web of love.
Video Dating Preparation Tips
Much like dating irl, the scariest part of the date is actually initiating the date. The main emphasis for this is confidence. Be clear and concise that you want to have a video date and tell them a time that works for you. If the feeling is mutual, they’ll pick up on the confidence and, worst case scenario, they tell you an alternative time that works for them. Try boosting your assuredness by dm-ing them a cute selfie with a caption, or even recording a voice message. Nothing entices a person more than the sound of their prospective date’s voice.
Once you’ve hooked your hopeful honey, the next thing to consider about a video date… is the video. Cur👏a👏tion👏 is key! Make sure that anything embarrassing or too personal that might be in view at any point in the call is put entirely away. And we mean ENTIRELY away. There’s no saying that you might pick up your device and accidentally flash your Together Couple’s Vibrator too early in the conversation! Or maybe think about how many stuffed animals on your bed are too many stuffed animals on your bed. Your video background and environment can be a major jumping off point for conversation when on a video date, so make sure your space is presentable as if they are actually coming over. Make sure anything you don’t want to talk about is put away, and anything you want to talk about, or that speaks to your personality, is in full, convenient view. And if you have a cat, we recommend letting it step in front of your camera at least once. 9/10 people agree that nothing lightens the mood of a monotonous video date like a feline intrusion.
Further to your environmental visual is your environmental lighting. Make sure that you clear up any of those pesky under nose shadows with a flattering light set up. Lighting from slightly above in a warmer tone is key for giving yourself that refreshed and friendly glow. Many ring lights can provide this kind of light temperature and make for a great accent for video dates, selfies, or just checking your face.
Dress to impress! Even if you haven’t put on a pair of pants since March of 2020, being fully dressed and putting effort into your look is a showing of respect for your video date. Be sure as well that you are fully dressed, least you accidentally drop your phone and let your date know what brand of underwear you own (before you’re ready for that).
How to Flirt on a Video Date
We won’t sugar coat it. Meeting someone for the first time via video date is awkward. The distance put between you with a screen or an out of sync wifi connection can make flirting complicated. Try these tips for moving the mood from dialup to broadband.
Just like on an in-person date, nothing can solidify a connection like eye contact. The only problem is that a computer camera is not in the middle of your screen (unless you’re one of those newfangled front-camera-in-the-middle-of-your-screen owners, then you can skip ahead to the next paragraph). To keep that blissful eye contact and make it feel less like you’re on a date with a tiny black dot, try making your date’s video view smaller and moving the window closer to the top middle of your screen. That way, your eye contact isn’t too far off from the camera lens and you can still make sure they’re giggling at your cheesy pick up lines.
A view of your body is also key for trustful communication on a video date. Aside from showing off your super fly outfit you put together back in paragraph 6, showing a bit more of your body can give your date peace of mind that you aren’t hiding anything and that you are comfortable with who you are. Additionally, showing more of your body allows for more expressive use of body language, which is a major way to connect and show your date that you are interested.
Overall, flirt as you would normally do in-person! Be yourself and your confidence and personality will still shine through the screen.