Self Breast Examination and Mammograms - Education for Breast Cancer Awareness
In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, hundreds of organizations around the world gather in person and online to do their part to share information around education, awareness, and government action. This year, the team at Together Vibes™ is doing our part to speak to our specific community about breast cancer screening.

Most people assume that sex between women is intuitive. If you're just starting out, maybe you think you know what’s up, but once you get going, you may need a little help. Knowing a few go-to positions and having a chat with your partner ensure things will go smoothly. In this article, we're going over a few tried and true lesbian sex positions that are guaranteed to bring you to the big O.

Lesbian Pride - How to make pride yours

Lesbian IUI: Everything You Need to Know

Love At A Distance: How to use remote-controlled vibrators during sex

6 Best Lesbian and Trans Characters in Cinema and Movies

What does it mean to be a female exhibitionist?
So, you like the tawdry thrill of teasing a tinge of cheeky teat? You’re not alone. Female exhibitionism is a thing and its roots go back further than you think. Whether you like to tease your partner, or simply feel the sun where it doesn’t normally shine, female exhibitionism has a lane for you.

Trans identities are on a spectrum. Beyond MTF and FTM, they can identify as he, she, they, neither, both, or nonbinary. And it can be situational. Not all trans folks have dysmorphia or are interested in changing parts of their bodies. Not all have or even want surgeries. Each person has their own journey - let's talk about trans lesbian sex!

Sexual Aftercare: De-briefing after Debriefing
Sex aftercare is the one thing that can turn good sex into great sex. Most people think of sexual aftercare as being something that you do after BDSM but some people don’t even know what the heck it is. In this article, we will break down what sex aftercare means, who it’s for, and the right scenarios to introduce it to your sex play.

Going On Your First Lesbian Date

You’ve heard of the G-Spot, what about the A-Spot?

Are You A Scissoring Sister? Learn how to Scissor "Any Which Way".