Pleasure in a Pandemic — Getting Off in Self-Isolation

The COVID-19 global pandemic has put a major damper on couples’ date nights, and if you’re single — meeting new potential partners while on a night out or on vacation is now off-limits. The good news is that pleasure in a pandemic is still very much within reach.
Getting off in self-isolation whether you’re completely solo or quarantining with a partner can be an opportunity to experiment with new ways to please yourself or each other — and it’s especially fun when you can do it together (our personal favorite.)
It’s also totally normal if the stress of dealing with the pandemic is too much and you’re not feeling much of a sex drive these days. Everyone is coping with this unprecedented time differently and you should give yourself a major pat on the back for hanging in there whichever way serves you best.
However, if you’re looking for some fun new ways to distract you and find pleasure amid the pandemic, then we’ve got some hot tips for you. Here’s our five-step guide for getting off in self-isolation.
Solo Sessions
Do we have to remind you about the vast health benefits of masturbation? Among them is none other than stress relief, which I’m sure a lot of us could really use right about now. Other feel-good benefits of masturbation are that it could help you sleep better as well as boost your mood and it helps you to relax too! You’ll also release some of that sexual tension that might be building up if you haven’t had a physical partner in a while.
Another benefit of masturbation is that it will help you to have better sex. When you become familiar with your body then you’ll be better versed in how you want to be touched and you’ll know what turns you on. This can help you guide your partner on how to best stimulate you.
Sexy Feng Shui
Finding pleasure in a pandemic can mean a lot of different things to different people. Some people are doing a lot of online shopping, and redecorating their homes. What if we told you that this might be what you need to do to start getting off in self-isolation?
Creating sexy areas in the home can play a big role in finding pleasure in a pandemic. When you’re lying on your silky bed sheets, watching a candle flicker and emit a delicious fragrance … these little touches will help get you in the mood, and before you know it, you’ll be getting off in a self-isolation. Don’t just limit your sexy re-decorating project to the bedroom — you can dress up your entire house to be a destination for pleasure. Particularly, these days when we’re at home so much, you’ll have a deeper appreciation for the look of your home.
Dress for Sex
The pandemic has made staying in sweats and an oversized T-shirt all day a perfectly acceptable thing nowadays. However, if you want to experience pleasure in a pandemic, we recommend dressing for sex. If you’re alone in self-isolation, then get dressed up in your sexiest outfit to remind yourself of your irresistible sex appeal! Take a selfie and send it to someone that you’ve had your eye on or post it on social media and indulge in all the likes you're bound to get.
If you’re in self-isolation with your sex partner, then they’ll be lucky enough to enjoy your thirst trap in person. If you’re both working from home, then surprise your partner with your sexy look in the middle of the workday for a little distraction … or even just a tease for your evening plans.
Try Something New (Sexually)
You may have read the numerous reports out there talking about skyrocketing sex toy sales during the pandemic. Are you wondering why that is? Well, with all this time on our hands, a lot of people are turning to sex for entertainment during this time.
With fewer distractions from daily commutes and other parts of daily life (that we surely all miss), you can take some time to check out what’s new in sex toys — such at the ultimate couples’ toy, Together Vibe — and pick something that you’ve never tried before. Add some excitement to your sex play this pandemic and see which new ways you can get off in self-isolation.
Make Time for Relaxation
While masturbation could be the thing you do to relax, you should also do more of the non-sex relaxing activities that bring you joy during the quarantine. Try taking a bubble bath, reading your favorite books or meditating during your time at home to really relax your mind and focus on pleasure.
Being relaxed will put you in a better mood, which is really helpful when dealing with this global crisis. When you’re relieved from stress, then not only will you and your partner be more open to sex, but you’ll both be in better moods in general, and thus there will be less arguing from the constant togetherness. Happy quarantining!